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Monday, April 21, 2014

Lindsay Lohan Knows Who Leaked Her VERY REAL Sex List! Find Out Whom LiLo Is Most Upset For HERE!

Lindsay Lohan has now officially confirmed it on her own OWN show. That sex list is 100% real.

Besides her miscarriage shocker, Lindsay also used her finale to fully explain the list of luvahs that has been going around the 'net.

Why would someone create such a thing? Well despite the fact Orlando Bloom and Zac Efron were listed, the list was NOT about bragging rights; it was about getting better. Lindsay said:

"That was part of my Betty Ford - it's step number five or step number eight. It's your sexual inventory."

So how did the kisses on Lindsay's list become public? Lindsay says:

"When I was moving, there were two people there that helped me move…. Someone took a photo, and I'm pretty sure I know who it is, unfortunately. And that's not about me. I don't care about me in that situation. I care about the people who are involved with other people, because it's really unfortunate and unfair to other people."

The list's publicity is definitely unfair to James Franco - he still denies he earned his place on it!

But Lindsay is more than upset enough for him and everyone else. She says:

"The fact that that happened was not only humiliating but it was just mean. It was mean-spirited for someone to do that. That's a desperate human being [who is] really f*cked up in the head."

Well one thing is for sure. Whoever did it certainly didn't care about Lindsay- or her famous, er, acquaintances. We're guessing they went from looking at her sex list to being on her sh*t list!

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