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Monday, March 18, 2013

Barbara Walters Was Doing Damage Control! Elisabeth Hasselbeck IS Getting Fired From The View!

Well, whattya know?

Guess Elisabeth Hasselbeck will still be getting the heave-ho from The View, after all!

Just not as quickly as Barbara Walters would have originally liked, apparently!

According to sources close to the long-running talk series, the iconic journalist was LIVID when news leaked about her conservative co-host's impending exit, and to attempt damage control, went on air last week to deny the reports!

However, insiders maintain:

“ABC is desperate to freshen up the show. Dumping Joy Behar , who was there 16 years, and Hasselbeck would be the fastest way to do it, they decided. After giving Behar the bad news last week and letting her bow out gracefully, someone leaked the Hasselbeck thing. Some enemies she has on the show saw their chance to get back at her. Barbara was spitting mad that it got mishandled.”

Therefore, Elisabeth will stick around for longer than originally expected, but sources are certain that at some point in the near future, she'll be "toast!"

Guess Babs gets what Babs wants, after all!

But hey! As we've stated before, we think this is the perfect time to re-vamp the series, and if the rumors are true that Brooke Shields will soon be coming in, then we think it's definitely an indication that as far as The View is concered, these times they are a-changin'!

What do U think?? Is it time for Elisabeth to go??

[Image via WENN .]

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